Our Specialty

Step into our Asian fusion haven, where the spirit of New York's streets meets the heart of Los Angeles. Our commitment to community, charity, and the pursuit of excellence in every dish is a journey of flavors that transcends borders, creating an immersive dining experience that captures the essence of tradition and innovation.


Our Values

We are driven by a simple mission, to provide healthy unique food to our local community.

  • Asian Fusion

  • Fresh Ingredients

  • Charity

  • Community


Our Community

In the heart of Los Angeles, our food truck is more than a culinary destination—it's a community hub. We believe in the power of food to unite people, transcending cultural boundaries and fostering connections. From diverse neighborhoods to bustling events, we bring our community together with the universal language of exceptional cuisine. Our commitment goes beyond serving delectable dishes; it's about creating shared moments and cherished memories. Whether you're a local or a visitor, join us in celebrating the rich tapestry of Los Angeles through the joy of communal dining. Together, we savor the flavors that bind us all.


Our Story

Gene Kum

Meet Gene Kum, the culinary architect behind GS Kitchens, whose journey from the bustling markets of New York to the diverse streets of Los Angeles defines our gastronomic identity. Rooted in Korean heritage, Gene's fusion of flavors marries tradition with a passion for experimentation. His commitment to providing an unparalleled dining experience shapes the soul of our kitchen. Beyond the culinary canvas, Gene's creations are bridges connecting communities, turning meals into shared celebrations. Immerse yourself in the artistry of Gene Kum, where every dish tells a story of cultural richness, innovation, and the joy of bringing people together.

This brings us to GS Kitchens, our mobile culinary haven named after our visionary chef, Gene S. Kum. This vibrant food truck isn't just a culinary destination; it's a testament to Gene's unwavering commitment to community and a love letter to the diverse streets of Los Angeles. Picture GS Kitchens as a mobile oasis adorned with murals depicting Gene's childhood memories of bustling markets in Brooklyn and the vibrant colors of LA's street art scene. The kitchen, meticulously designed with elements inspired by Gene's New York roots, boasts a sizzling wok station and the comforting aroma of his grandmother's secret spice blends. GS Kitchens isn't just about serving extraordinary cuisine; it's a curated experience where every element, from the menu to the decor, invites you to become part of a narrative that celebrates the rich tapestry of New York City, the connection with diverse cultures, and the enduring power of food to unite us all.
